Short Story for Kids written by: Rosa Maria Martin-Moreno.

Christian was living in a little town, he gathered up cartons every night. His family was very poor, they needed everything they could pick up to eat.

He was just going to school some days a month, he was learning very slowly, because could not go to school daily. He had not learnt too much, and barely had time to do his homework.



One day, when he was gathering up some cartons, heard a voice from the bottom of the trash can, saying:

– “Read me, read me”.



Cristian got frightened, but the next day had to turn to take those cartons he had left there, and heard the same voice saying:

– “Please, read me”.

But as Christian could not read, decided to go to school that day, where the new teacher was teaching lots of new stuff and was shocked because the kid could not read.

Christian learnt how to read after some days and went back to the trash can, heard the mysterious voice again. So, when he picked up one of the cartons found a lottery ticket and showed it to the seller of lottery tickets to check it. What a surprise! it was the first christmas prize.

Christian became millionaire, he used his money to help all poor children that were not able of going to school.

Built a new school with bedrooms to sleep in, and a big dining room with home cooked meals. He hired teachers that enjoyed teaching, he also became a teacher when he was older, and helped lots of kids to learn how to read and write.

His school became one of the best in the country, and it was named, “The magic cartons school”.


Moral of the story: Learning is important to have more opportunities and help the others.

values of the story: Cultural, Social.


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