Short Story written by: Familys.

Once upon a time, there was a little elephant that had the bad habit of scaring other animals with the noise coming from his little trunk. He laughed at the other animals and used to stand behind them and blow with all his might. The rest of the animals where annoyed with him because of his pranks.


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Short Story written by: “The Ecologist”

The teacher named the company “Ecological School team”, and explained to her pupils some of the possible causes of pollution and some ways to help to stop it. When the pupils went home after school, they told their parents about their exciting day at school and about everything they had learnt about environmentalism and moral values.


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Short Story written by: “The Ecologist”

The girl realised that all the rain drops were distributing lots of moral values; generosity, self-confidence, humility, honesty, tolerance, equality, justice, solidarity, respect, love, equity.

She felt like she was inside a bubble, isolated from the world, living in peace in a world where there was no violence, no weapons, no discrimination, no corruption, no pollution, a perfect world.


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Short Story written by: “The Ecologist”.

The girl´s walk was awesome, she was enjoying nature, contemplating the landscape, the forest, appreciating environmentalism, she felt like she was in a magic place without any negative feelings.

Two more drops touched her face and they were friendship and respect. She realized that she could also learn these values at school.  She could learn the value of respect by respecting her teachers and schoolmates, and by fulfilling her obligations at school such as doing homework and supporting her classmates.


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Short Story written by: “The Ecologist”

One day a dreamy girl was taking a walk with her parents when the sky turned grey and it was about to rain. The girl, who had a beautiful, curly, black hair looked up at the sky with her big brown eyes and saw that the drops of the rain, were love drops from God.

The curious girl decided to investigate what the drops were exactly, she analysed them and discovered that they were actually drops of moral values, which could help her be a better person.

short stories - glug and the water cycle

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Short Story (Part 2), written by: Mapy

The old turtle went into the cave and began to walk. Croky started to sing out aloud so the turtle could hear him.

The little frog sang louder and louder forgetting all his complexes, ensuring that the turtle could hear him from the cave.

Childrens stories - Flora the leaping frog

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Short Story written by: Mapy.

In a faraway bog lived three little frogs that were siblings, two girls and a boy called Croky and they all loved singing. The two girls had a very nice voice but Croky did not have the same talent as his sisters and didn´t sing very well.

Croky had a shrill voice. He felt very sad every time his sisters sang and could not understand why he wasn´t like them. He would hide somewhere in the forest to practice, but his voice was always the same.

Childrens stories - Flora the leaping frog

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