Short Story for boys and girls written by: Lorena Ochoa.

In a faraway city, four beautiful girls lived with their Mum and their Dad. The girls loved Christmas, especially the presents they were given.

One day, the girls asked their father:

– “Does Santa put magic powder taken from fairies over his reindeers so they can fly?”


And their Dad replied: “No. That’s not true”.

Their Mum reprimanded their father for the answer he gave the girls:


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Short Story for boys and girls written by: Naomy Liseth Cerritos Palma.

Once upon a time…

There was a girl that worked really hard because her two stepsisters and her stepmother ordered her to do many chores.

The royal ball was coming soon and this time the prince was going to choose a princess from his kingdom, to marry.

Short stories - The wicked fairy kidnapper

The day of the ball Naomy really wanted to go but she couldn’t because her stepmother asked her to clean everything, wash the clothes, feed the animals and other tasks.


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Short Story for Kids written by: Olga Blázquez Sánchez.


…That day, Walt did not get anything right. He turned left when he should have turned right, and he walked twenty three steps instead of twenty.

The result was that he did not arrived at school. He became lost in an uncertain and disoriented world, and he could not stop thinking about the magician.

Short stories - Wesley the boy wizard

A voice sounded in his head: “Improvise, Walt”.

-“Improvise? What is that?”


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Short Story for Kids written by: Olga Blázquez Sánchez.

Once upon a time…

There was a Kid who did not believe in stories about magic. The world was just a mixture of pavements and cement. Everything was grey with fumes, and metal and concrete skyscrapers.

The kid, whom everybody called Walt, went to school everyday automatically.

Short stories -the magician and the magic umbrella

He used to leave his house, cross a zebra crossing when the traffic light was green, walk past a bakery and a fruit shop, turn right, and after ten steps turn left, then walk twenty steps straight-ahead before reaching the school door. And he did the same thing day after day, day after day…


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New Short Story for Kids written by: Marcelo Montero

Click to read:  FROG CROAKY (FIRST PART)

…One night, when all the lights were switched off, a particular dew settled on the garden, and a chorus of voices filled the air which tasted like honey.

frog short story girl toad

Helen saw lights jingling as fireflies approached them, and when one of them sat on her shoulders she thought she was hearing voices whispering in her ear, but that had to be impossible. Nevertheless, a sweet and melodic sound interrupted the silence:

– “Don´t cry” it said.


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New Short Story for Kids written by: Marcelo Montero

Helen was a smiling and rebellious girl, who lived with her parents in the house they had inherited from her grandmother Martha.

She fell in love with the garden immediately, and with the lush ivy growing around the balconies and columns.

frog short story girl toad

A splendid lemon tree blossomed with a hundred colours. Young fruit hung from the thin branches, grazing the green ground. There was a grey plot behind, which was where she met her for the first time.


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New Short Story for Kids written by: Ana Isabel Martín.

Paul really likes playing in the fields. His parents have a little house in a small town near to a city, which they usually go to every weekend.

There, Paul could play near a small stream, where he could wet his feet.

Childrens stories - Flora the leaping frog

Paul likes hunting bugs. He likes to hunt for crickets, frogs, and fireflies. One day, he caught a frog and went to put it in a jar. When he was about to pick up the the frog, the frog looked at him and said:

-“I will become a Prince if you kiss me”


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THE TALKING CAR (Second part)

New Short Story for Kids written by: Maria de los Angeles Morales Dominguez.

Click here to read: THE TALKING CAR (First part)

When John arrived home, he went to introduce his new friends to the car, but was so disappointed when none of the toys spoke.

-“What´s wrong? they´re not talking” – John said.

-“It´s normal, the toy fairy has not touched them with her magic wand. Call her”, said the car.

fairy magic toy car short story

– “And, how do we do that?” – asked John.

– “Very easily, you just say the magic words, which are: toot, toot, toot, run run run, beep, beep, toy fairy…please appear now!”, said the car.


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THE TALKING CAR (first part)

New Short Story for Kids written by: Maria de los Angeles Morales Dominguez.

Once upon a time…

There was a kid called John who had a toy car that he used to take with him everywhere. It was his favourite toy.

One day he was playing with his car at home, when he heard a voice saying:

– “Don´t throw me so hard, I might break!”

fairy magic toy car short story

John looked around to see where the voice was coming from. Nobody else was in the room and he was alone.

-“Here! It´s me, don´t you see me? I’m down here!” – said the voice.


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Short Story for Kids written by: Short Stories team.


….The waiter ran off to look for help, but what a surprise when suddenly he began to turn orange, and green leaves sprouted from his head. He was turning into a pumpkin!

The kids in the dining room where still impatiently waiting for their dessert, when suddenly they heard strange voices and saw brooms flying out of the kitchen.

short stories witch kid

They all went to see what was going on. They were all delighted and approached the kitchen to see that day´s magic. Suddenly, Biby said:

-“Kids, today is Halloween!”


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