Short Story for Kids written by: Lucre, Agustina, Melisa y Julieta.

Once upon a time there was a girl that was ballet dancer. Until one day, her favorite shoes broke.

On her way home remembered that she could buy the same shoes at the shop beside her house. So ran to the shop; but when she was going to pay realized that did not have enough money from her savings, and so, she left.

ballet short story dancer



A friend gave her money for her birthday, so she had money to buy a new pair of dancing shoes.

But, when she went to the shop, there were no more shoes like those left. All the pairs had been sold. She asked the woman of the shop and she said that only had a pair of magic shoes left; the girl was confused; but she bought them anyway because was in a harry, saying:

-“Oops! It´s too late!”


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Short Story for Kids written by:Katty Herrera.


There was a princess living in a castle; the princess was called Evelyn, she loved to play with dolls and pillow fights.

One day she wanted to play with her sisters, Isabella and Susanne; but that day they were punished.




Her parents claimed Evelyn that she could play with her sisters the next day, but the next morning, her sisters had to travel urgently and it will take them a month to come back.


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Short Story for kids written by: Adela Garcia

Once upon a time, there was beautiful fairy princess, she was living in her kingdom with her father the king and her mother the queen.

Everybody there was able to fly but her and her family; because and evil wizard had put a curse on the whole family, and the spell could only be undone by a good witch, good hearted with feelings. But unfortunately, the good witch of the kingdom had died.




She said to herself:

-“I won´t give up and I will find a good witch to undo the spell!”

But she knew that her parents would never let her go to look for the witch.

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Short Story for Kids written by: Laurita Vaquera (12 years old).

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Betty, who had a magic fairy called Mimi. One day, Betty arrived home from school, and found a cake at her house´s door, she loved cakes, so took it and brought it home.

She wanted to give Mimi a piece of the cake, but could not resist the temptation anymore and ended up eating the whole cake. But, what she did not know was that it was Mimi who had left the cake at the door.


Suddenly she sighed:

“Ooh! I would love to have a new school bag…”

And…a new school bag appeared. Betty was shocked, and said again:

“Ooh! I would love to have a Barbie…”

A barbie appeared suddenly. And she realized that the cake was magic.

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Short Story written by: Ruth Esmeralda Cardona.

Once upon a time there was a very friendly witch called Charlotte. One day, she moved to another town, she was afraid of making friends, because she thought that nobody would be her friend, and said:

“I am afraid of making new friends, I will cast a spell on them so they will come to me looking for help, then they will thank me and I will be their friend

Short Stories witch halloween

And so she did, but instead of making a new friend, she made an enemy.

All the kids complained because they wanted to be normal again, but charlotte did not apologized because was afraid of it, so didn´t.

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Short Story written by: Marina Elisabeth Velasquez (Guatemala)

It was a nice summer day, it was very hot and Bobby, a very naughty boy, had nothing new to do and so was very bored. Bored of being inside the house, went to the backyard to try to catch some insects to begin a collection. Got a jar, a little spade, and a little net to hunt butterflies.

He had got some animals, but wanted many more, was so enthusiastic getting insects at the garden, that decided to go further to discover what kind of animals were outside the house. Suddenly saw a butterfly with the colors of the rainbow and decided to include it in his collection. He was so anxious of getting the butterfly, that went to the deepest part of the mountain without realizing it. Finally, the butterfly lied on a ceiba tree trunk that had a big hole in the middle, and the butterfly went inside the hole.


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Short Story written by: Claudia Aguilera.

When holiday season arrives, many fairies come to our world flying at night time, so nobody can see them. They are all very pretty, but there is a special one called Sophie, she is really pretty, with long red hair, green eyes and white skin. She lives in the forest with her parents.

She is mixed birth, half human, half fairy. Her mom is hundred per cent fairy. Is the first time she comes to humans´ world, she is ten years old, lives in the forest where all the fairies live. Is so happy flying so fast at night, over the sea, the parks, the roofs and the trees. The fairies meet in a secret park to rest every time they come to our world, form a circle, bring crowns of flowers and colorful wings, drink grape juice and cider.

Short stories - The wicked fairy kidnapper

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Short Story written by: Valeria Torres

Long time ago there was a little magic town called “Fingerland” everybody was very happy there, where the inhabitants were goblins working in what they wanted, they used to go where humans were.

They were working in a fair that consisted in fulfilling wishes to all good children. But one day went a girl called Claire that had an special wish, she wanted her mother back. But the goblins could not grant that kind of wishs, they could just grant normal wishes for kids, per example: a teddy bear, a doll, candies, money…but the wish Claire had make was forbidden for a goblin. If they fulfilled a forbidden wish would be punished by an evil dragon.


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