Short Story written by: Xavier Catalán Aznar

Sinta was a green star, (strange, huh?) Well, not all stars are white, Sinta was green and one of the most beautiful stars you would ever see.

It was intensely green coloured due to all the trees living on it, trees covering the star, special trees, tall, strong and magic!

The princess of Sinta, Bibi, and her friends Jango and Solo, lived there and always took care of her. Bibi was beautiful, she had one eye, green hair, three ears, four legs and four arms. Ok, I guess you might be thinking how can she be pretty, but I can guarantee thaT she was the most beautiful living creature there.


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Short Story written by: Miranda Guzman

There was a big tree in the garden of an old house. Three animal communities lived in the tree; a honeycomb with lots of bees, butterflies on the branches of the tree and down among the roots ants had built their home.

Winter was coming and it was time to prepare for the season.  The butterflies were still caterpillars and ate the leaves of the big tree, the bees started to collect pollen and the ants began to save food to survive the long winter.


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There was a girl called Beatrice responsible for tasting every cheese that came from other countries.

Every year the cheese representatives from every parts of the world were in the main square of her town waiting for her verdict.

They all wanted Beatrice to taste their cheeses because, she had special powers due to her ability to smell and taste quality.


One year, there was a new cheese stand in the middle of the square, the smell coming from there was different from the others and the girl went to see it.

The stand had only one kind of cheese which nobody had tasted because of the strong smell. When Beatrice approached the cheese seller cut a piece of cheese to her.

When she was about to try it, a man from the stand beside shouted:

“Don´t eat it! It´s not a normal cheese! Look at the colour and the smell, it stinks!”

Beatrice was shocked and didn´t know what to do, until the man selling that strange cheese spoke:

“This is the best cheese I have ever produced. It is very special, I´m sure it will be the best cheese you have ever eaten”.

Beatrice decided to taste it, and when she bit into it her expression changed completely. It was the best cheese she had ever tried. It’s bad smell had nothing to do with how it tasted.

So she named it the best cheese ever and everybody learnt how important was to give an opportunity to everybody.




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Short Story written by: Sandra Lorena

Rose woke up one morning to go for  for a walk around her castle. She saw the rain through the window, the wet trees and plants that looked beautiful. So she went down stairs to have breakfast.

Rose ate really fast because she wanted to go out to play. When she finished she took an umbrella and went into her garden. She jumped over the puddles, ran and had fun. She was always in contact with nature.


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Short Story written by: Jose Antonio Zayas Salazar

My school is very old, the walls of the playground have holes in them where the roots of big, old trees drive into them, These huge trees could be hundreds of years old.

School children still play there every afternoon and I still remember what happened one day a long time ago, when I was there.


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Short Story written by: Pedro Pablo Sacristán

Peter was a very shy kid who hated birthday parties with other children as he was not able to talk to anyone and did not enjoy them at all. At one of the parties he couldn’t handle it any more and went into a room to hide.

He was sitting on the bed, angry with him self for not being able to talk to anyone, when a little green goblin who was covering his ears appeared in front of him:

Short stories - The little boy and the almonds

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Short Story written by: Pablo Sacristán

Greek philosopher was walking through the forest when he saw two gigantic women in the middle of the road.

The women were enormous, their height wasn’t normal and the shocked philosopher hid behind a tree.

The philosopher stood behind the tree thinking how to get out of there when two Princes from the kingdom appeared. One of them was bleeding from his ear:


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In a faraway kingdom lived a handsome Prince called Jamie. Unfortunately his father the King had died a few years ago, and it was his uncle who had repalced him just because nobody in the kingdom thought that Jamie was ready to be King.

Nobody thought the prince was brave at all, and that really annoyed Jamie who wanted to do something about it.


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