Here some Classic and short tongue twisters to spend time with your kids having fun and enjoying!. Try to repeat them faster and faster!
Have fun!
One-One was a racehorse. two-Two was one too. When One-One won one race, two.two won one, too.
Here some Classic and short tongue twisters to spend time with your kids having fun and enjoying!. Try to repeat them faster and faster!
Have fun!
One-One was a racehorse. two-Two was one too. When One-One won one race, two.two won one, too.Short Tongue-twister to enjoy time with your loved ones.
Funny games for all ages, play with children, show them how funny tongue-twisters are!
Let´s see who´s the fastest at reciting “Light night”!
Here three tongue twisters for kids.
Have fun, try to repeat them, practice them until you can say them fast!
Come on! who will do them faster?
I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.
Here are some classic short tongue twisters for all ages, try to read them fast and non-stop!
Share them with everybody and try to read them all together, parents, children, grandparents, teachers, pupils…
Concentrate and practice your pronunciation when saying them!
Share these classic tongue twisters with your friends on Facebook, Google +, or Twitter with the buttons you’ll find at the end of the story. Thank you!
Today we are posting these short tongue twisters. See if you are able to repeat them with your children!
Very short tongue twisters for kids to help their concentration and enunciation.
A good cook could cook as many cookies as the good cook who could cook cookies. A sailor went to sea to see what he could see, and all he could see was the sea, the sea, the sea. Continue reading…
Here some short tongue twisters to see if you are able to read them without getting your tongue tied. You can share them with your children, pupils, grandchildren, nephews etc.
Classic short tongue twisters for kids, made to improve concentration and vocalization. 4 tongue twisters to practice:
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
How did it go? Tell us about your experience with our tongue twisters!!
Share this short story for kids with your friends on Facebook, Google +, or Twitter with the buttons you’ll find at the beginning or end of the story. Thank you! Stories for kids written by: (a pseudonym).
Tongue – twister for children written by: Daniel
There is a house on the square, on the square there is a flat, in the flat there is a room, in the room there is a table, on the table there is a cage, in the cage there is a parrot, and the parrot is singing:
“Parrot in the cage, cage on the table, table in the flat, flat in the room, room in the house, house on the square. That is the key of the house!”
Share this Tongue Twister for kids with your friends on Facebook, Google +, or Twitter with the buttons you’ll find at the beginning or end of the story. Thank you!