MEMORIES OF GERMANY – The race against a cow

Short Story written by: Dora Singh

When I was little I lived in the countryside with my brothers and sisters. We had many animals; dogs, horses, hens and cows.

Before nightfall, I used to pick the cows up from their grazing and bring them back to the corral. One of the dogs was always helping me.

shortstories germany memories

One day, as always, I went to look for our cows. One of them was beside her calf and thought that I was going to take him from her. So she tried to defend her calf. Even if I was not going to do anything, the cow started to chase me and I ran to our neighbours field.

I ran very fast, and the cow ran after me. There was a deep ditch but I jumped over it and my sister started to shout, “Run Dorita, run, she is going to catch you!”.

My thin legs jumped the stone wall and I crossed the wire fence. My dress got hooked up on the fence but I continued to run.

Finally, the cow stopped when she arrived at the wire fence, but I can still remember how scared I was.

When I was able to talk again I said to my sister – “I beat her!”

I was scared at the beginning, but in the end I was having fun. Anyway, I will continue to take care of our cows because I love animals.


The moral of the story: See the positive side of each experience.

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